The Two Year Integrated Program is meant for students presently studying in Std. X, who would be appearing for their X Board examinations in coming Feb/March 2025.
Students willing to enroll for the above program are required to undergo the admission screening process of IIT-HOME by appearing ASE.
All JEE aspirants presently studying in Std. X should first register online for Admission Screening Examination (ASE). Students thereafter shall appear for the ASE, which is a single stage objective / subjective examination.
Few students may be required to appear for Personal Interviews (PI) depending on their performance in ASE. After the declaration of results of ASE, an Introductory Session shall be organised by IIT-HOME for qualified students and their parents, which is compulsory to attend before seeking admission to the 2YIP at IIT-HOME.
Guidance Seminar for ASE 2027 | Sunday, 1st December 2024, 11:00 am |
Admission Screening Examination 2027 | Sunday, 15th December 2024 |
ASE 2027 Result Declaration | Thursday, 19th December 2024 |
Introductory Session for ASE qualified candidates * Very important & compulsory to attend |
Sunday, 22nd December 2024 |
Score Improvement Examination (SIE) 2027 | Sunday, 29th December 2024 |
2nd ASE 2027 Registration Slot | 16th January to 19th March 2025 |
2nd ASE 2027 Late Registration Slot | 21st & 22nd March 2025 |
2nd Admission Screening Examination 2027 | Sunday, 23rd March 2025 |
ASE 2027 Result Declaration | Tuesday, 25th March 2025 |
2nd Score Improvement Examination (SIE) | Sunday, 30th March 2025 |
2nd SIE 2027 Result Declaration | Tuesday, 1st April 2025 |
Commencement of classes | Thursday, 3rd April 2025 |
Motion : Motion, distance, displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration, Uniform, & non uniform motion (Definition only). Graphical Representation of motion (s-t, v-t graph). Three equations of motion. Uniform circular motion (Definition only).
Force : Unbalanced & balanced forces. Inertia. Newton’s first law, second Law, third law of motion. Force equation, Conservation of linear momentum. Gravitational force, weight, free fall. Thrust, pressure in fluids and gases, Buoyant Force, Archimedes Principle, Relative Density.
Work & Energy : Work, work done by constant force, Energy. Kinetic & Potential. Law of conservation of energy, power.
Current Electricity Electric current and circuit, Electric Potential and Potential Difference, Ohm’s Law, E.M.F., Resistance in series and parallel.
Effect of Electric Current : Heating effect, Joule’s Law, Electric Power, Magnetic effect of electric current (Straight Conductor, Circular Coil, Solenoid), Right hand Rule, Force on current carrying conductor in magnetic field, Safety Measures. Domestic electric circuits.
Light : Spherical mirrors & its uses. Image formation by Concave mirror, Convex mirror formula, magnification. Refraction of light through a glass slab, refractive indices. Lenses, Image formation by Convex lens & Concave lens, Lens formula, Power of Lens Prism, Dispersion of white light, atmospheric refraction & scattering of light. Human eye; Defects of eye (Myopia, Hypermetropia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia) & its Correction.
Chemistry of carbon compounds : : a) Open chain b) Closed chain c) Saturated and unsaturated d) Aromatic (Benzene). Nomenclature of organic compounds: Chemical properties of carbon compounds such as combustion, oxidation, addition reaction, substitution reaction.
Homologous series; Properties of Acetic acid, Polymers and its uses. Soaps and detergents.
Structure of Atom : Dalton’s Atomic theory, Atomic models: Thomson’s model; Rutherford’s Model; Bohr’s model (Introductory concept); Atomic mass unit, Mass number and atomic number, Isotopes and Isobars; Electronic configuration.
Chemical Bond : Stability of atoms on the basis of electronic configuration (octet rule); Ionic Bond; Covalent bond; Polar and non-polar bonds; Ionisation and dissociation; Different ions/radicals and their formulae; Types of covalent bonds: single, double, triple bonds.
Metal & Non-metals: Extraction – General principles (brief idea). Physical & Chemical properties: a) Reaction with H2O, dilute acids, air b) Nature of oxides c) Electropositive & electronegative character d) Reactivity series. Extraction of Iron and Aluminium; Preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen, ammonia.
Chemical Equations & balancing : of chemical reaction a) Exothermic & Endothermic b) Displacement c) Combination d) Double displacement e) Decomposition. Preliminary concepts of oxidation and reduction, balancing of chemical equations and their interpretation; simple calculations based on chemical equations; Corrosion.
Acids, Bases and Salts : Neutralisation; Acid-Base indicators, Reaction of acids and bases with metals, metal carbonates, metal bicarbonates; pH of a solution (brief idea), Common Salt.
Real Numbers : Rational numbers & irrational numbers, their decimal form and representation on number line, Properties of rational numbers, Order relation on R, Absolute value. H.C.F., L.C.M., Euclid’s division Lemma, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Ratio and Proportion.
Rational exponents and radicals (indices) : Laws of exponents. Radicals and radicands. (Refer 8th Std. Books)
Polynomials: Degree, types of polynomials, their sums, difference, division, product, H.C.F., L.C.M. factor theorem, remainder theorem, synthetic division, zeroes of polynomial, its geometrical meaning. Relationship between zeroes and coefficients of polynomial. Division algorithm for polynomials.
Algebraic identities and algebraic expressions : Factorization, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and rational algebraic expressions.
Quadratic equations : Solution by factorization, by completing square, by formula. Nature of roots. Equations reducible to quadratic equations. Applications of quadratic equations. Relation between roots and coefficients, formation of equation.
Linear equations in one and two variables and their graphs : of equations by graphical method, substitution method, elimination method, cross multiplication method (determinant method or Crammer’s rule). (Condition for unique solution, no solution, infinitely many solutions).Word problems.
Arithmetic progressions
Statistics : graph, Histogram, frequency polygon. Mean, mode, median, cumulative frequency for grouped and ungrouped data.
Trigonometry : Trigonometric ratios and identities. Height and distances, complementary angles.
Mensuration : Volume, surface area of cube, cuboids, right circular cone, right circular cylinder, sphere and their combinations, Frustum of a cone.
Lines and Angles
Triangles : Area by herons’ formula, its application in area of quadrilateral. Angle sum property of triangles, criterion for congruency and similarities of triangles, inequalities in triangles. Pythagoras theorem and converse. Basic proportionality theorem and converse and applications. Property of angle bisector. Areas of similar triangles, Apollonius theorem. Medians, altitudes, centroid, orthocenter, circumcentre of triangle, incentre. Midpoint theorem.
Quadrilateral : Angle sum property, types of quadrilateral, properties of parallelogram, condition for quadrilateral to be parallelogram. Area of quadrilateral.
Circles : Arc and congruence of arcs, chords, tangents, segments of circle. Area of segment and sector of circle. Circumference of circle. Theorems related to chords, arcs, tangents, segments. Cyclic quadrilateral.
Coordinate Geometry: Coordinates of a point, quadrants, and axes. Distance formula. Internal and external division section formula. Centroid formula. Area of triangle. Equation of line.
The Examination Registration Charges for ASE(SIE) 2027 is ₹ 1500/- (One Thousand Five Hundred Rupess Only). The charges are to be paid online through a debit card / credit card / internet banking at the time of registration. Please note that there is no provision for offline payment of the charges in cash / cheque or demand draft.
Registration Charges once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Students from economically weak background, who are unable to afford the Examination Registration Charges can avail the Means cum Merit Scholarship to appear for the examination at subsidised registration charges on submission of required documents. For details, please contact IIT-HOME office.
Please note that there is NO provision for registering for ASE 2027 offline at IIT-HOME office. You are requested not to contact at the office for exam registration. Parents finding the online process inconvenient, may call the IIT-HOME office for assistance between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm on weekdays.
For more information, please visit FAQs.
Register your Email Address
Fill and submit the registration form online
Upload Document
Pay Registration charges online
Visit the ‘Online Registration Portal’ on IIT-HOME website.
Enter an email id to be registered against your name for all future correspondence.
You will automatically receive a link for ASE 2027 Registration Form through an email. Click on the link to open the form.
Registered users can login through registration portal henceforth by entering email address and password.
You are required to upload image of your Std. X Board Examination Admit Card as per the guidelines given below.
Paste recent colour passport size photo of student on the Xerox copy of std. X Board Admit Card just above your signature specimen in the Admit Card.
Student’s signature on the on std. X Board examination Admit Card should be clearly visible if not then over write it.
Scan the image and upload the file in jpeg/jpg/png. The file size should be less than 1 MB / 1000 kb.
If student has any past achievements in Olympiads/scholarship examinations, a Past Merit Form (PMR) will be available on registration portal PMR tab. It is optional to fill PMR from.
Student have to email the scanned copies of necessary documents to support the PMR form to
In the subject line of email write – PMR Documents – student name, Registration UID.
Fill out all necessary fields. Pay due attention to form-assistance remarks for every field, and make corrections if required.
You may review and edit your form any number of times before you submit it.
Check all your data thoroughly before submitting the form. No further changes are possible once the form is submitted.
ASE or Admission Screening Examination is the Entrance exam for admission to two year integrated program for JEE Main/JEE Advanced preparation at IIT-HOME. Admissions to IIT-HOME are accepted strictly on the basis of ASE.
This year's ASE-2027 (for admissions to Two Year Integrated Program for JEE Main/JEE Advanced 2027 preparation) will be conducted on Sunday, 15th December 2024. ASE is conducted only once annually.
Students appearing for Std. X Board Exam in March 2025 are only eligible to appear for ASE 2027.
ASE 2027 will be an OFFLINE single stage examination containing objective and/or subjective papers on Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics to judge the knowledge, application of concepts and analytical ability of the candidate.
The syllabus for ASE 2027 can be found in the adjoining syllabus tab here.
IIT-HOME does not conduct any classes or training program for the preparation of ASE. In ASE, we intend to test the analytical ability and understanding of concepts rather than the student‘s memorising capacity and his/her training. We believe that sincerely studying for Std. X and revising Std. IX concepts should suffice for the preparation of ASE.
Students should read thoroughly Maharashtra State Board textbooks and NCERT books for Std. IX and Std. X. We recommend focusing on revision and understanding of basic concepts rather than attempting or practicing higher-level questions.
It is strongly advised to refer standard textbooks of either Maharashtra State Board or CBSE.
Few sample questions for ASE 2027 will be provided to students after registering online for the examination.
The sample questions provided are only with a purpose to give an idea about the difference between ASE and school examinations.
Introductory Session is a unique session conducted only by IIT-HOME for ASE qualified students before offering admissions to 2YIP. The session intends to give a clear overview of the two year program at IIT-HOME along with the level of competition, the schedule, IIT-HOME rules & regulations, the faculty, fee structure etc.
The Introductory Session is meant to assist eligible students/parent an informed and wise decision. It is therefore mandatory for ASE qualified students to attend the session along with one parent. Failing to attend the session will lead to cancellation of eligibility of the candidate for admission to IIT-HOME.
We do not reveal cut-off of ASE as we believe that it can bias a child before appearing for the examination. The cut-off varies every year. The current year cut-off of ASE will be revealed in the Introductory Session.
SIE or Score Improvement Examination is an exam to be conducted for students who could not appear ASE or who failed to qualify ASE but wish to give themselves a second chance in the IIT-HOME selection procedure.
SIE will be conducted only OFFLINE at Nagpur in a very similar format as ASE.
It will be same for both ASE and SIE.
The SIE cut offs will be calculated on the basis of cumulative performance of students appearing for the examination.
Yes, a student can appear in SIE directly but with additional charges.
ASE not qualified students who wish to appear SIE would have to pay Rs. 300 for registering for SIE.
Students who missed the deadline to register for ASE and wish to appear for SIE will have to register by paying full ASE registration charges with late penalty.
No. SIE qualified and ASE qualified students would be merged together and later split into batches strictly on the basis of their performance in IIT-HOME.
No. You can register for SIE after ASE result declaration on Thursday, 19th of December 2024 through your ASE online registration portal from “RESULT TAB”. You will be required to pay applicable registration charges for SIE.
The format and syllabus of SIE would be same as that of ASE.
The registration procedure guidelines for ASE 2027 will open online on IIT-HOME website from 5th to 10th of December 2024. The complete details of the registration procedure can be found under ‘Registration Guidelines’
The following are required to complete the registration process:
You are required to upload an image of your Std. X School ID Card or Std. X Board Admit Card as per the guidelines given below
PMR or Past Merit Record Form is designed to judge the merit of the student till his/her std. X in different competitive examination. Students are required to fill this form online on registration portal, if he/she has any remarkable achievement in olympiads or other competitive/scholarship examinations.
The examination Registration Charges for ASE(SIE) 2027 is ₹1500. The charges for ASE 2027 are to be paid online through a Debit card / Credit Card / Internet Banking at the time of registration.
For students from economically weak background, IIT-HOME offers Means cum Merit Scholarship to register for ASE 2027 with subsidised charges, on submission of required documents. Interested students should contact IIT-HOME reception for further details
If you do not have an email id, you may create a new email id from any of the renowned email service provider – etc. It is easy and free to create a new email account. If you do not have easy access to the Internet, you may use an email id of your friend / relative, who uses it regularly. The registered email id will be used for important communication with you till the admission procedure.
There is no provision to make any corrections in the registration form once you have completed the registration. In case of corrections, you will be required to register freshly and pay the registration charges again. It is therefore strongly advised that you double check your details in the registration form before submitting it. Students appearing for ASE 2027 with incorrect information in the registration form may be disqualified by the management.
Details will be given in the Introductory Session to be conducted before the admission procedure.
Since last three years, IIT-HOME permit admission to its two year integrated program to students willing to enroll in CBSE for their std. XI and XII. IIT-HOME guides its students regarding std. XI admission.
Yes, the program takes care of the preparation of students for XII Boards. For Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics practice tests and test series is provided with proper feedback and guidance to students. For optional subjects like Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics, Electrical Maintenance, Biology, Sociology and languages, minimum guidance classes are organised.
The student has to apply for the centralised admission procedure for admission in State Board for which IIT-HOME will guide students. IIT-HOME will also guide its students regarding Std. XI admission in CBSE board.
IIT-HOME does not run a hostel facility of its own. However, every year several students from outside Nagpur enrol at IIT-HOME and are able to make accommodation arrangements for themselves within a convenient distance from IIT-HOME. A list of such hostels / mess/ rented rooms is maintained at IIT-HOME, which may be provided to ASE qualified students at the time of admission. Please note that IIT-HOME has no official tie-ups or agreements with hostels/mess.
Fees structure for Two Year Integrated Program (2YIP) 2026 last year, was
First year: ₹1,49,000 plus GST
Second year: ₹1,49,000 plus GST
The fees inclusive of a student laptop / tablet provided by IIT-HOME. The entire fees for first year will be required to be paid at the time of admission.
IIT-HOME shall award Means cum Merit scholarship to meritorious students enrolled in the Two Year Integrated Program, who are from weak economic background. In the first year of the program the scholarship will be offered to selected students strictly on the basis of Means. For the second year of the program the scholarship will be extended to the student after evaluation of their academic performance, discipline, regularity and sincerity during the first year of the program.
No. IIT-HOME offers only the ‘Means cum Merit’ Scholarship, which is meant only for students from extremely weak economic background. Students cannot be eligible for the scholarship only on the basis of merit.