If you have reached here, it means that you have come across one of the questions from "Look Before You Leap" campaign and have tried your best to solve it. If not, please check out our campaign here. Make sure you give your best shot before referring the hints here.
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The capacity of the battery pack in a vehicle gives the maximum amount of energy (in kWh) that a vehicle can store when fully charged.
The range of a vehicle is the distance it can travel on a fully charged battery, before all its stored energy is spent.
The total torque generated by the 4 motors of Aspark Owl is mentioned in the video, but in some other units, which is also a multiplication of force and distance. Think about a method to convert that unit to Newton multiplied by meter. The last frame of the video holds all necessary data.
This question appears to be difficult. It is just a combination of three very simple questions. Let us break down the question into three easier steps:
Q.3a Calculate the maximum acceleration produced by the Aspark Owl. Express answer in m/sec2
Q.3b How much distance (in meters) does the car travel while accelerating from 0-60 mph with an acceleration calculated above?
Q.3c How much distance (in meters) does the car travel while decelerating with twice the acceleration from 60mph-0mph?
The final answer to be reported is the sum of the answers obtained in Q.3b and Q.3c
This question appears to be difficult at first. Let us try to break it down into easier steps:
Q.4a Calculate the acceleration produced by Aspark Owl. It was alrady calclated while solving Q.3
Q.4b Apply Newton’s second law of motion to obtain the force with which the tyres of the Aspark Owl push it while accelerating.
Q.4c Calculate the acceleration produced by a Bugatti using the time required to go from 0-60 mph. Obtain answer in m/sec2
Q.4d Apply Newton’s second law of motion to obtain the force with which the tyres of the Bugatti push it while accelerating.
Q.4e Compare and calculate the difference in the two forces calculated above in Q.4c and Q.4d
Each of the above steps is very easy individually. The challenge and the skill lies in interpreting the question and breaking it down into simpler steps !