The “look before you leap” campaign for std. X appearing students. It is a series of academic questions based on the std. IX and X syllabus which will be posted by IIT-HOME on its website and social media handles.
This campaign is only a precursor to the ASE (Admission Screening Examination). Admissions to IIT-HOME are offered only on the basis of student's performance in ASE, to be conducted on 2nd April.
After you have completed revision of: WORK & ENERGY, ELECTRICITY Watch the video and attempt the following questions. All required information is inside the video clip.
Q.1 How much energy does the Aspark Owl consume, on an average, to travel a distance of 1 km ?
Q.2 If torque has units of force multiplied by distance, express the total torque generated by the 4 motors of Aspark Owl, in Newton-meters.
[Recommended maximum time: 10 min]
Hope you remember LAWS of MOTION from your Class IX
If you have watched the video already, attempt the following question
This question is also on LAWS of MOTION from your Class IX
Watch the video already, attempt the following question. Additional information needed for the questions is at the end of the video.
This question is based on work & energy and electricity. Disclaimer: This is the last and most difficult question of the set. Take it as a challenge!
Q.5 Efficiency of a system is defined as the ratio of work output and the energy consumed by it. Suppose a system consumes 100W energy and gives a work output of 80W, its efficiency will be 80%. If the efficiency of each electric motor of the Aspark Owl, at peak power is 88.1%, what is the resistance of winding (a coil of very long copper wire) inside the motor?Remember this part from the movie Iron Man (2008) ? Let us solve a question on Circles and Trigonometry based on this.
Q.6 If at the highest point of his flight, Iron Man was able to see one third of the circumference of earth at equator, to what height from the surface of earth did he fly?After you have tried your best, if you need a hint to solve the question, visit the campaign link Click here
Next question of the campaign, on a new topic, coming up on 3rd FEB, 7:00 am
Remember this part from the movie Iron Man (2008) ? Let us solve a question on Circles and Trigonometry based on this.
Q.7 The job of a shipping company is somewhat like playing TETRIS, to safely accommodate maximum number of parcels in a particular transport vehicle. While optimising the shipping of its parcels, a shipping company discovered that the the best way to arrange its parcel boxes, all cuboids, is such that one of its face has area 30cm2 and another one has area 24cm2. All edge lengths should be integers. What is the[Recommended Maximum Time for solving: 30 min]
After you have tried your best, if you need a hint to solve the question, visit the campaign link Click here
Next question of the campaign, on a new topic, coming up on 3 rd FEB, 11:30 am
This question is on Co-ordinate Geometry
Q.8 The statuary hall inside capital building in Washington D.C. is a whispering chamber in elliptical shaoe which is 90 feet long. The chamber has a two specific points S1 and S2 such that a person gently whispering in any direction from point S1 is clearly audible at point S2. This is because of a property of an ellipse that any line originating from S1, upon reflection from any point on the ellipse passes through the point S2. While doing so, it always travels a total distance of the length of ellipse, in this case - the length of the chamber. If line joining S1 and S2 is considered x-axis with co-ordinates of S1 as (−33, 0) and of P as (3, 27) then find co-ordinates of S2.After you have tried your best, if you need a hint to solve the question visit the campaign link Click here
Next question of the campaign, on a new topic, coming up on 3 rd FEB, 5:30 pm
The last question of Mathematics is on MENSURATION & TRIGONOMETRY
Q.9 Now that you have gotten to know how ice cream is packaged in factories, calculate the following using the information given in the last frame.After you have tried your best, if you need a hint to solve the question visit the campaign link Click here
Next question of the campaign, on a new topic, coming up on 4 th FEB, 5:30 pm
The last question of the campaign, on Carbon Compounds and Chemical Reactions & Equations
Q.10 It is known that petrol is a mixture of many different alkanes and alkenes with a minimum of 7 carbon atoms. When petrol burns inside a car engine, there are many different chemical reactions taking place.A first of its kind question in your life - this question does not have a unique correct answer. Try to think of "a" correct answer.
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